Monday 31 October 2016


So, I'm a little more into the groove of understanding what I've signed up for, as expected its going to be fairly difficult balancing the demands of work / family / training - Even more so when the shit hits the fan and you dont know quite what to do.
The good thing is we seem to be out of the woods so-to-speak, and as a result I feel a little more like training!
As its Monday, and the pool changed its timetable (cheers boys) I figured it was time for a run. With an hour to play with I figured a 7k run (dont forget time to get to the sports centre, change, run, change, get back and grab a sandwich!) would be a good basis. 34 mins later, with 7k under my slightly bulging belt I was back and actually feeling pretty good.
Hopefully this is the start of something beautiful, and a renewed like of running. What I expect is that I'll spend the next 6 months cursing and swearing at my sweaty mess of a body trying to run 4 times a week.
Happy days, 313 days indeed to go!

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